Dr. Thomas Mc Meekin is a well-known medical person, and he has experience in education and dermatology. Joining the medicine board right from the University of Rochester, Dr. Mc Meekin was prominent in his medical practice, after undergoing residentials at Harvard University.

He is one of the most popular speakers and authors in the sphere of lasers. After decades of practice, he has turned his focus to writing, Tampa Airport Proposal: A Love Story.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to create and showcase visually striking stories and portrayals of love. Our purpose here is to provide readers with stories that will make them feel and think while having fun. In accordance with what Dr. Mc Meekin did here, we attempt to create experiences that are both good and global in revealing the essentiality of love.

Our Vision:

Our vision is to provide readers with a rich experience in reading narratives that are so close to their own lives. We strive to create a calendar of love, togetherness, and most importantly, self-reflection, thus our website is a one-stop hub for those who want to be inspired and challenged by wonderful stories.

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Tampa Airport Proposal: A Love Story tells a very touching tale of a fifty-year reunion of two former college classmates, who lost contact. They meet again in their 60th high school reunion and begin texting, calling, writing poems for each other, and sending videos. By June of 2023, the use of distant communication reaps fruit in an airplane proposal surprise at the Tampa International Airport, which is shared on social media, and ensembles millions of viewers.

People fall in love with them as a couple’s social media attention; they receive a request to come and interview on the Today Show. The couple then works things out for four months in Quincy, California where the woman is living and they sort out their new relationship until he goes back to New York. In the course of the story, the reader follows the doctor, Mc Meekin who demonstrates the reader’s experiences and chances in love as well as the turn of events in life. With this book being a very private look at a person’s life it is also a great testament about the importance of love and how one can come across happiness at any stage of life.

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